Post Recommendations for WordPress

jQuery-powered recommendations.

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Post Recommendations for WordPress

jQuery-powered recommendations.


As a template tag

$args = array(); 

As a shortcode


Important: Some arguments differ slightly depending on if you're using the template tag or the shortcode. See options below for more details.



(string) (optional)— Get recommendations from the post id being passed.
Default: The current post's id

Important: When passing this in the short code, you must pass it like this: post_id=123


(array) (optional)— A two-item array containg with the width and height.
Default: null

Important: When passing this in the short code, you must pass it like this: size=100,100


(integer) (optional)— The number of recommendations to generate.
Default: 6


(string) (optional)— The post order.
Default: rand


(bool) (optional)— You may choose to store the DOM structure in a PHP variable by setting this property to false.
Default: true

Important: If you're using shortcodes, you may ignore this value.